YOUR BABY'S SIZE: 5 tangerines
Yet the ticker on the right says butternut squash. Butternut squash?! Really?! Those are huge. One of my apps says banana (feasible) and another says cantaloupe. Again, cantaloupes are pretty big! Sometimes I don't know where they come up with these things.
You're most likely looking and feeling pretty pregnant at this point. As your appetite increases, make sure you're
eating healthy, balanced foods (read: not an entire bag of tortilla chips) that both you and your baby can reap the nutritional benefits from. For instance, make sure you're getting enough iron from red meat, shellfish, spinach or soy-based foods. Iron is needed to make hemoglobin, which carries oxygen in your blood. Since you're now producing more blood, you also need more iron.
Your baby's digestive system is maturing, now enabling the fetus to swallow amniotic fluid, absorb much of the water in it, and then pass unabsorbed matter as far as the large bowel.
This may also be a good time to start thinking about
baby names, if you haven't already. Be careful when sharing your choices though — everyone will have an opinion, and it might not be
what you want to hear.
I got Avery in on the picture-taking this morning in the hopes that she would detract attention from me. She was being goofy.
So, 21 weeks. More than halfway there. And yes, we know that for sure this time. No going to 42 weeks as I'll be having a repeat c-section somewhere around 40 weeks, if not on my exact due date, a couple days before. My doctor does scheduled c-sections between 39 and 40 weeks. She doesn't let you go over your due date when a c-section is planned (not that I would want to anyway) because that increases the likelihood of going into labor on your own which could potentially create an urgent situation. I would like to be awake and have Rob present this time, so the less urgent the better.
I am starting to really believe-and actually get excited-that we are having a baby in July. Don't get me wrong, it's not that I
wasn't excited before, it's just that I have been so
cautiously optimistic. To a fault.
I am starting to snap out of that and just be excited and not worry about what could possibly happen between now and then.
I still haven't bought much for him yet. We will use the crib and dresser that Avery is currently using, so we already have furniture and basically everything for the room except bedding and various decor. I found some bedding I like from
Land of Nod but it costs eleventy billion dollars. I'm not spending that much money on bedding (and it's currently out of stock anyway). Maybe it will go on sale.
I am feeling fine and pretty much normal. I'm starting to feel him move around more frequently, mostly when I'm laying down but sometimes when I'm sitting at my desk.
I have a doctor appointment next Tuesday.