Tuesday, April 30, 2013

10 Months

Sweet Benny is 10 months old. He is growing so fast.

He weighs about 19-20 pounds and wears 9 month clothes.

He doesn't exactly crawl yet but he definitely gets around. He scoots, turns, reaches, and so on. Oh, and he sort of crawls backwards. He can pull up and tries to do so on everything. He's dangerous. He really does need a helmet.

I think the reason he doesn't full-on crawl yet is because he's focusing all his energy on growing teeth! He has 6 already and more coming in.

Since we got his allergy results back and the diagnosis that his skin issues are eczema we started giving him basically any and all foods. For dinner he usually eats what we are eating and I send some kind of purée to daycare. Recently he has started eating some from the kitchen there as well. He's a growing boy! I tried to introduce some milk-based formula in with his soy formula but he spit up more and got a pretty bad diaper rash so we pulled back on that.

Since all the sickness last month (earlier this month?) he has been sleeping well (about 11-12 hours a night). He goes to bed early (we can't keep him up past 7) and wakes up early. Thankful for uninterrupted sleep.

He can clap and click his tongue and babbles all the time.

He likes car rides and is pretty content looking out the window.

He loves banging toys together and beating things in general. Rob and I were laughing and saying how it is a good thing Avery came first, otherwise the hand me down toys would be beat up. They are pretty much in mint condition from Avery.

As you can tell he adores his sister. He is happy to play with or around her. Otherwise he still loves to be carried around. He also loves bath time and gets super excited when you get water or ice from the fridge. So maybe he'll be a water baby.

He hates having his nose cleaned and is pretty dramatic when he bumps his head or takes a little fall.

He is so, so, so sweet and happy. He makes us all so incredibly happy.

Little Ben, racing towards 1.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Around Here

We had a nice weekend!  The weather was warm and sunny and we got to spend time outside.
Who doesn't love a good spin in the wagon?

This guy does

Saturday we put down new mulch in the front bed and planted a few flowers.  Avery was a big helper.

Ben and Avery spent several days with Mimi last week during her vacation.  They got to go out to eat, go to the park, make cookies, watch endless Netflix, go to a movie, and Ben learned to click.  He practiced all weekend.

Sunday started off a little cooler so we spent the morning doing some stuff around the house.  None of which involved actual cleaning.  It's virtually impossible to clean with the two of them underfoot.  They are both little hurricanes of destruction.

Front yard picnic

Sunday afternoon we went by Gigi and Pepaw's.  They recently opened their pool and we're looking forward to warmer weather so we can swim!  The water was freezing but Avery didn't seem to mind wading around in it.

This week has been filled with all the usual stuff.
Brushing his "hair"

Sweet face

Bedtime bottle


Huge swig of water=choked=unhappy

Putting on some makeup


I have so many videos of Ben right now because 1) he's relatively immobile (at least he can't run away into another room) and 2) he's not camera shy.  Here he is telling a story.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

More Woolaroc

Or better photos, at least.

Wagon Rides, Indian Relics and Such

That title was courtesy of Rob.  I couldn't possibly take all the credit for that.

Most of our weekend was spent outside (and Ben's nose is now running like a faucet).  Mid-April and spring is finally starting to make its appearance.

After work on Friday we didn't even go inside the house after we got home.

We end up with everything but the kitchen sink outside

Fell asleep during the walk with his hand in the air

I finally caught Ben shaking his head "no."  Pretty funny.

Saturday we had Avery's little friend Coen's birthday party.  We went to Target to pick out a gift.

And of course we couldn't resist the popcorn

And a stop by TJ Maxx

 Coen had a Mario party with a mushroom piñata and cupcakes.
He was playing with Avery's braids in line for the piñata-so cute.

Ben had fun swinging and thanks to Avery's piñata practice at Elijah's birthday, she knew what to do

Saturday night Gigi came over and Rob and I got to go to dinner.  I don't think we'd been out together since around Valentine's day.

Sunday we went to Woolaroc for Mom's birthday.  None of us had been in a long time so it was something different and fun!  They have a museum, lodge, petting zoo, little playground, and wild animals, so there was plenty to do and see for the afternoon.  Rob got some great pictures with the real camera, but I don't have them here at work.  I might have to do a separate post.

Sunday evening we took Ben for his first wagon ride.  He sat there like a big boy (buckled of course, otherwise he would have lunged out).

Fun weekend!  Now...is it Friday?