Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Starting October

Picture day!

Ben had a field trip to the pumpkin patch, which Rob attended.

We got out the Halloween decorations and broke in the skeleton pajamas.

Soccer games!

Maybe the last time in the pool for a while!

We took advantage of a beautiful day and hit La Fortune and made it the 3 miles around (at times me SPRINTING after Ben who was on his bike and getting too far ahead).

Walk-a-Thon and the Fair(s)

The school had it's annual walk-a-thon fundraiser in late September.  It was Ben's first year to participate.  Avery predicted he would walk one lap and sit down.  Ha! She was pretty much spot on.   I think all the kids overwhelmed him.  Rob and I marked laps for 2nd grade and I only saw him come by us once.  Poor Avery, every time she came by I told her to find her brother.  They had fun though.

Right after the event Avery left for the Texas State Fair with Mimi and Papa (Ben isn't quite ready for that adventure).  We took Ben to the fair after school.  It was a perfect day to hit the fair without crowds, the weather was beautiful, and it was nice to spend one-on-one time with Ben.  Ben got to ride whatever rides he wanted and I don't think he missed his sister one bit.  He said his favorite ride was the sky ride.

Watching a donkey pee in the petting zoo is funny...

Avery had a great time at the Texas fair.   She got to see the Taylor Swift Experience, ride tons of rides, and probably eat a bunch of junk:)

Ben had a soccer game on Saturday and then we watched the OU game at Gigi and Pepaw's.

Ben and Gigi were tired.

I think the kids were very happy to see each other on Sunday evening!!