Tuesday, December 2, 2008


I've been tagged by Summer. So here it goes... 6 things you may or may not know about me. As all of my faithful readers (all two of you) and anyone else who reads this already knows me, I'm not sure I can (or will-haha) tell you anything you don't already know, but here goes:

1. I can't stand mustard or mayonnaise.

2. I am not religious at all but love Christmas. Yes, I fully realize the irony and contradiction in this and no, I don't need you to explain it to me. It just makes me happy, ok?

3. Prank calls on the radio make me extremely uncomfortable. I have to change the station.

4. I despise toothpicks and the look and sound of people sucking on them and twirling them around in their mouth makes me want to scream.

5. I appreciate people who are brutally honest but tend to hold back on others unless they ask for brutal honesty in which case I am more than happy to oblige.

6. I have an odd sense of humor and think most things and people that the general public is amused by are not at all funny.


Unknown said...

That's not true, Rob is a follower as well.

#2 and #3 in complete agreement.

#4 I would also agree and add flossing to that. Should be done in the privacy of your bathroom. Otherwise, you're just flickin' chicken all over the place. Uggh!

Mrs. Cup said...

Dude. I hate prank calls on the radio too. There is a station here that puts this little annoying kid up to making prank phone calls. I have to change it everytime.