Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Hurts and Hugs

Today Avery received not one but two Hurts and Hugs (i.e. your kid was damaged) reports.

#1 Avery ran into the rocking chair. No surprise there.  She cruises and crawls everywhere and is constantly bumping into things and falling down.  Here is the damage from that one:

#2 And I quote:

"While playing in the big kids room next door Avery was bit on the forehead.  Sorry." *frowny face*

They had two teachers out sick today (so were short a teacher in her room) so Avery went next door to the bigger kids room for a while.  This is understandable as she is one of the older babies in the infant room and will probably be moving soon anyway.  I know these things happen.  And I'm sure someday soon Avery will be on the giving end of a Hurts and Hugs report (I've been victim to her bites firsthand). You can barely tell where it happened and she's fine, of course.   I did have to make my own frowny face when I thought of her getting bitten by a bigger kid though.

1 comment:

Erin said...

Man she looks like one tough momma now with that shiner! Put her back into the big kids room and I bet no one messes with her! Unfortunately with my boys we were the ones on the other end of the Hurts and Hugs report, we were the ones being told our son was the one handing out the "beatings"!