Thursday, August 14, 2014

First Day of Kindergarten

Big day!

Tuesday we met her teacher and dropped off her supplies.  Her teacher seems very nice, and a quick search told us she was Teacher of the Year last year.  There is also a little girl in her class from her old school, so a familiar face was nice!

Ben ran into the school like he knew where he was going, and proceeded to try to dismantle Avery's classroom, periodically running out of the room and down the hall.  We had lots of questions we wanted to ask the teacher but needless to say, we didn't get around to it:)

Then we found the gym and unleashed him!

Last night we made her lunch.

We received a text from her teaching saying how excited she was to see all the kids the next day (how times have changed!).

We sprinkled (a small amount of) the "jitter glitter" she got on meet-the-teacher night under her pillow.

This morning she declared that it worked great!

She was very excited this morning.

She did so great, and although she was a bit apprehensive when we got in the classroom she didn't cry. She quickly set to coloring her sheet.  So proud of her! I think she's going to have a great year.

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