Wednesday, July 8, 2009

2 Months

She's 2 months old today, 4 weeks as of last Friday (don't think about the weeks vs. months'll make your head hurt). Regardless, she's growing like a weed!

Here's where we are at 2 months:

-She is very expressive and smiles a lot (and sometimes frowns).

-She is starting to practice her voice and make cooing sounds.

-She holds her head up steady.

-She can visually track an object in her line of sight.

-She is generally a good sleeper and sleeps 8-10 hours at night usually without interruption.

-She still likes walks and car rides and will generally go to sleep during either, although how long she will stay asleep after varies.

Working from home is going well. After this week I will have 3 more weeks left. Balancing it all-work, the house, and Avery is tiring but of course well worth it. And it's also great that we have The Grandmas that come over and help with Avery when they can.

Her 2 month checkup isn't until next week so we'll know all her stats then. She'll also get shots. I'm sure that'll be fun!

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