Sunday, September 27, 2009

Avery LOLs

Who would have thought saying "Mama" was so funny?

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

And It Has Been Decided...

Avery will be a lamb for Halloween. I kind of wanted her to be a ladybug but I couldn't find a cute costume that wasn't an arm + a leg + shipping and handling. I think this lamb is adorable and I can't wait to take her to the pumpkin patch!

Speaking of pumpkin patches...our first baby at the pumpkin patch 6 YEARS AGO!

Monday, September 21, 2009

Goodbye Summer

So remember those dresses she had never worn? Well, she got to wear a few of them...once. But there were two that she never had the occasion to wear, so I decided to do a baby photo shoot on Sunday since it was such a nice day.
Yay, going outside!

I'm a natural

Good times!

Mmmmmkay, how much longer?

Wardrobe change...

Better hurry, I'm going to spit up in 3, 2, 1...


Aaaaand, that's a wrap!

Friday, September 18, 2009

What has happened to me?

I used to be prompt, organized, efficient. Lately I feel like I've turned into a harried housewife, minus the housewife part. In the last week I have:

-Locked my keys in my car

-Taken a lone bottle to Sunday brunch...with no nipple.

-Gone to work with the car seat in my car. And since it's not 1976 anymore they kind of frown upon letting your baby just roll around in the backseat, so this is an important tool in Rob getting Avery to daycare. Sorry about your 9:00 meeting honey!

-Been late to work several times

It seems like I'm always running late. Nothing ever gets put in the mail on time. Don't even look at my carpet or kitchen floor. Or toenails. I used to actually plan meals and cook. Now dinner is usually whatever we can quickly throw together with a baby on your hip. Don't get me wrong, I'm not blaming any of this on Avery (although I am still blaming her for my muffin top...ssshhhhhhh she doesn't know some of it was there before). I just need to get it together! Parents of 2+ kids-I really don't know how you do it without being a total train wreck! I guess I get distracted by this little face.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Big Girl

Intently watching Fisher Price crib soother
(please note that while it is mildly entertaining for 2 minutes it does NOT have the same effect on her as it does the baby on their website. I think they must have bribed that baby in some way or it is simply playing possum.)

Can we get a flat-screen in here?

Friday, September 11, 2009

4 Month Checkup

13 lbs 9.5 oz
25 inches

Doctor said she looks great. She gave to go-ahead to start cereal if we want. A few shots were given. Of course she cried but got over it quite quickly, much better than her dad would have done.

p.s. Apparently he went BALLISTIC in a doctor's office when he was about 7 or 8 when they tried to give him a shot. And just last year he passed out while having his blood drawn (A SMALL VIAL). So clearly it is I who will have to set the "brave" example for Avery when she gets older.

Anyway, all is well with Avery!

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

4 Months

Here's what Avery is up to at 4 months old:

-Smiles all.the.time.

-Rolling over. She first did this a few weeks ago but now she has started doing it daily. Sunday night she rolled over in the middle of the night and woke herself up. Same thing last night. So now we're attempting to wean from the swaddle (yes, we still swaddle her).

-Laughs but still not on a regular basis.

-Still exclusively on breast milk but probably introducing rice cereal soon.

-Chews on her hands and drools constantly so maybe we'll see a tooth soon?

-Reaches out and grabs for everything.

-Sleeps fairly well. Has started waking up once in the middle of the night again. Not every night but sometimes. Takes 45 minute naps-max!

We take her to the doctor on Friday for shots and checkup.

Friday, September 4, 2009


First football game tomorrow. Is summer really over? Technically not for two more weeks but this weather is indicating otherwise. I love summer and I'm not really happy about how this summer is fizzling out weather-wise, but I must admit I'm pretty excited about the fall.

Last night I got out all of Avery's fall clothes up to and including 6 months to wash. Can I just say it is ri-diculous how much clothing she has? And thanks to Gigi and Great-Grandma Alice's shopping trip earlier this week, she has even more! I'm not sure if I can put the summer stuff away just yet, so nothing is as organized as I would like.

She is starting to laugh more often now. Last night Rob was eating a popsicle and she thought that was HILARIOUS. It is really one of the cutest things I've ever seen to see/hear her laugh.
Our little Sooner baby this morning

Hope everyone has a great Labor Day weekend. Boomer Sooner!