Thursday, October 8, 2009

5 Months

Here is what Avery is up to at 5 months old:

-Rolls everywhere. As soon as you lay her down she is all over the place.

-Very interested in Arthur. She stares at him whenever he's around. The feeling is mutual, and he takes any opportunity he can to get a lick in.

-Smiles all the time. She was charming everyone at the doctor's office yesterday.

-Laughs sometimes.

-We have started rice cereal and oatmeal. Not a fan of the rice cereal. In fact she refuses to eat it. The oatmeal goes over fairly well. In the next few weeks we will probably introduce a vegetable and fruit. We had to mix her milk with formula last weekend because I went out of town. She took to it fine. I am hoping to make it one more month of pumping and breastfeeding. I really want to make it to 6 months and at this point I think I may be done at that time.

-We finally broke the swaddle successfully. She goes to bed around 8:30. Sometimes she will wake up in the middle of the night, sometimes not. Sometimes she wakes up and talks to herself for a bit, sometimes she cries. Naps are still pretty short usually, but sometimes she will take an hour+ nap at daycare or home. Otherwise it's 30 minutes.

-She has been to the doctor twice in the last two weeks. Last week the daycare told us she was pulling on her ear. When I called they suggested we bring her in. No ear infection, ball of ear wax removed=$20. Now she is congested and coughing. They didn't think we needed to bring her in unless she had a fever, which she didn't. The daycare told us one of the babies had a viral respiratory infection, so I decided to take her to the doctor anyway. Mental note: viral respiratory infection=cold. Cold diagnosis=$20. :)

-Getting heavy! 15 pounds as of yesterday!

-Likes to put everything she can in her mouth including, but not limited to, the remote.

-She is a wonderful, happy, funny, healthy baby and we love her so much!

Rob said this photo shoot was a little more difficult than the previous ones. More interested in the paper I suppose.



Unknown said...

Aaaaa. She is so cute.

This age sucks for doctor's visits though. I never really felt like they fix babies this age. Can't give them any medicine unless they are really sick. How does she like the snot sucker? That's always fun!

OkieMoneyGuy said...

I like the outtakes. I had a good laugh at the 'mama' laugh vid as well.

Shannon said...

Hahaha those pics are too silly...and what's the deal, I think all babies love paper! I can't wait to see her this weekend!!!

Monique said...

Oh Summer, she just loves the sucker. Trying to hold her down for that is what I would imagine bathing a cat is like.