Tuesday, August 23, 2011


Monday night was unusually cool (85) so we went to the neighborhood playground after dinner.  Going to a playground with Avery, be it a park or Chick Fil A, is interesting.  She gets really excited to go to the playground, but once there she is a little bit of a scardey cat.  We encourage her to play, go down the slide, swing, etc. but she approaches everything with extreme caution.  Which is fine-that is her personality.  But for the last year she has been extremely afraid of the swings (to the point of crying and clinging to you if you tried to put her in one).

Last night, on the way to the playground, she announced that she would be "fwinging."

And she did.  And she loved it.

In fact, she dominated that playground, climbing up to the highest point, going down the biggest slides, and swinging.

I love seeing her overcome fears.

1 comment:

Gigi said...

So Awesome!