Friday, October 4, 2013

Ben is 15 Months

31" inches (46%)

22 pounds (24%)

19" head circumference (79%)

Basically, the doctor said he is healthy and perfect.  She was impressed with his verbal skills.  He has tons of teeth and one point of one molar sticking through on top.  I'd say that has contributed to his sometimes cranky mood lately.

Ben is busy, busy, busy-always into something.  He loves being outside, pushing around the bubble mower or the toy rake, pointing out airplanes, or sitting in his Cozy Coupe truck.

Inside, he'd usually rather get into the kitchen cabinets or his sister's things than play with his own toys.

He's funny and playful.  He loves to make faces, be chased, play peek-a-boo.  He gets bored easily.  He loves his ducky.  He eats like a horse and sleeps like a log.  He thinks his sister is hilarious.

He is sweet.  And ornery.  And we love him more than anything.

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