Friday, October 11, 2013

This Week

It's been a pretty standard week around here.  We've been enjoying the great weather and trying to spend as much time as possible outside in the evenings.  We know our evenings with daylight are numbered, plus, Ben pretty much demands it.

He put two words together for the first time last weekend:  "go outside."

He asks to go outside all.the.time.

He is completely satisfied toddling around outside, whereas inside he can get bored and cranky.

He thinks he's grown.  Also, he has figured out how to ring the bell.

Playing in the fountain at Stephen & Tim's

We really need to pull the trigger on cutting out the nighttime bottle (only bottle he gets/day).  It is part of a (very successful) bedtime routine, and we hesitate for fear of messing up a good thing.  But it's bad for his teeth and he doesn't need it for nutritional reasons (usually it's only 2-4 ounces).
But, man, he loves his bottle and ducky.
We have to keep those feet warm.

Avery helped me put out some Halloween decorations this week.

Sporting her OU dress in honor of OU/TX tomorrow!

Happy birthday to Grammer!!  Looking forward to birthday dinner this evening!

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