Thursday, September 3, 2015


Ben started an 8 week soccer session this week.   Beforehand he was pretty resistant to the idea: he didn't want to go.  In all honesty, I'm sure he had no concept of what "going to soccer" meant.  But apparently it didn't sound like anything he wanted to be a part of!

Regardless, he looked adorable.


After the informational parent meeting, the kids were split up into groups to circuit through four different stations.  At the first two, he didn't want to participate at all but by the last two he was warming up a little bit.   There was definitely some rolling around in the grass and some leaving the field entirely.  The third circuit involved a tunnel that he couldn't resist crawling through.

Afterwards he said he had fun so that's a good sign.  I hope he has so much fun over the next two months.

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