Thursday, March 11, 2010

Crazy Girl

If she doesn't like a certain food or doesn't want any more she'll wait until you get the spoon right up to her and then bat your hand and/or the spoon.  And being the dum dum I am, I always try for one or two more bites even after she does this, inevitably ending up with baby food on her, I, and the tray.

If she is going towards something she shouldn't and you say "no, no Avery" she'll stop, shake her head and (usually) continue on.  I'm not entirely sure if she doesn't understand what no means or if she simply doesn't care.

She is also scared(?), unnerved(?), or otherwise disturbed by grass.  Two times last weekend I put her down on the grass and when her little hands touched it she burst into tears.

She thinks it is quite humorous to claw your face up with her nails.  She also likes to get her hands in your mouth and scratch your gums.  If she inflicts actual pain, all the more amusing!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

OMG. Logan hated grass. I've never seen another baby since that hated it. Thank you, Avery, for assuring me that my kid wasn't weird. Logan's okay with grass now. The grass stains on EVERY pair of school jeans confirms it.

Uh-oh, sounds like Avery is getting a little ornery. lol. It makes her even cuter to me. :)