Thursday, March 15, 2012


Last Saturday we went to a birthday party in Norman for some special boys who turned 1.

Some light reading and she was soon asleep for most of the ride.

Jordan, Harper, Cailyn, & A having some dinner

Birthday boys

Avery & the guys

Harper & A having a cupcake

Jordan, Harper, & A

On the way through Tulsa we dropped Avery at Mimi's house so we could hit up a couple more parties-a going away party and a birthday celebration for Summer.

Sunday was rainy and we didn't do much all day.  This week we've been adjusting to the time change (ahem, get on board, Avery).

This weekend was also HUGE in the world of potty training.  Avery has been pee potty trained for a long time, but has refused to poop in the toilet.  Yes, refused.  She would wait until she got a bedtime Pull-up on every.single.night.  We have been begging, nagging, and bribing her to do it and she finally did last Thursday night (and has been continuing to since then).  As she says "it's so easy."  Told you.

Anyway, we treated her to a Baby Alive doctor doll as a reward.
Yes, Rob is wearing a headband.
I'm sure other "girl dads" totally get it.

She is loving being the doctor.
Checking on the baby.
Actually, she was listening to the pretend horse in my stomach

The weather has been so great this week.
Enjoying some outside time on Monday

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