What I want to know is how do you keep your living room from looking like a damn daycare?!?
The playmat
The swing
The bouncer
The infant seat
And now this
My house it too small! But I neeeeed all this stuff, right?! Ugh, I hate clutter!
-The rolling over was not a fluke. I watched her roll over two times after work on Friday. She refused to do it again, despite futile efforts and paparazzi-like stalking with the camera. Eh, no rush I guess!
-Saturday she laughed, and I mean BELLY LAUGHED, for a good 5 seconds. It was so funny. Again, in spite of us acting like complete clowns the rest of the weekend, she didn't do it again. Tease!
-She has just started noticing Arthur. She actually looks at him now and I can tell she's seeing him, most likely thinking "what the hell are you...and why do you smell so bad?" Sunday morning Rob had her on the couch and he called Arthur over. He came over and she reached out and "pet" him. Then poked him in the eye.
-She is starting to grab, bat at, and shake toys. Here in a couple weeks I think we'll break out the jumperoo.
It is a little early, but she really likes to kick and move, so she might enjoy it. And she's got great head control.
-Daycare seems to be going well so far. The evenings were rough at the beginning of last week because she was hardly sleeping during the day. Towards the end of the week she started sleeping more and things improved. She has never been upset or crying when I've picked her up, and Rob said the ladies in the morning always comment on how happy and smiley she is.
-Avery is still on breast milk exclusively. Let me tell you that hauling the pump back and forth to work, making bottles, washing bottles, washing pump parts, etc etc is a LOT of work. A PITA frankly. BUT, I think it is worth it. For now anyway. I would like to make it to 6 months, then re-evaluate at that time.
-She has started making these funny "alley cat-like" noises. Rob took a little video of it this morning.