Monday, July 5, 2010

Well, that wasn't exactly what I had in mind.

Happy 4th of July.

Avery spending some time with Mimi; Rob and I spending some time at the lake with friends, family, fun, fireworks, food, and sun on the agenda.  What could go possibly go wrong??

How about a side of STOMACH VIRUS?

I'll spare you the details but it started with me, then Rob a couple hours later, Lynn a couple hours after that.  Mimi was also hit.  Avery, who I suspect as the initial carrier, is suffering from diarrhea and a bad, bad diaper rash.  Luckily she wasn't hit as hard as the rest of us and is in good spirits.

It has not been a pleasant 24+ hours and definitely wasn't the weekend we had in mind.

There was a fly buzzing us while we sat on the floor this evening.  I shoo'd it away and Avery though that was just hilarious and immediately imitated me.  She is already becoming quite the mimic.

Yeah, she has cherry juice all over her face and no pants. I make no apologies.


Erin said...

Sorry to hear about your "crappy" pun intended. Avery is so funny. I like how she falls backwards and it doesn't stop her concentration on you :) She looks like she is getting so big...definitely has been to long since we saw you all!

Brandiosa said...

She is so adorable! I just want to kiss those chubby cheeks!