Wednesday, February 23, 2011

First Haircut

Last Sunday Avery got her first haircut. 

I've talked about the mullet many times before, and it was only getting worse.  We could, and did, chuckle about it, but at the end of the day, it was looking scraggly.  The final straw was one evening I picked her up at daycare and when I walked in she looked like a ragamuffin child.  And it wasn't just the dirty pants from playing outside, the filthy shirt with two meals (plus snack) worth of food (I see the bibs lying on the table, do they not use them?), or the one shoe-and one shoe only-because she insists on taking one off.  It was the mullet.  Papa Angel offered to give her a trim and we relented.   She was so good and just sat there like a pro. 
What's happening here?

Hey, this isn't bad.

Just a little off the back

I feel like a new woman!

Look, I can run my fingers through it!


Shannon said...

Too cute for words!!!

Erin said...

Must say that I am glad you finally did it! Looks like she actually enjoyed might be starting a new trend for salon trips :)