Friday, May 1, 2009

41 Weeks

How your baby's growing:
A bit over 20 inches long, your baby has continued to grow and may now weigh almost 8 pounds. As cozy as he is, your baby can't stay inside you forever. For your baby's safety, your practitioner will talk with you about inducing labor if your baby isn't born in the next week — earlier if there are any problems. Most practitioners won't let you wait more than two weeks past your due date to give birth because it puts you and your baby at increased risk for complications. About 5 to 6 percent of women have prolonged pregnancies that extend three or more weeks beyond their estimated due dates. Babies born at 42 weeks and beyond can have dry parchment-like skin and are often overweight. Waiting that long to deliver also increases your chance of developing an infection in your uterus that could be dangerous for your baby or of having a stillbirth. What's more, your labor is more likely to be prolonged or stalled, both you and your baby have an increased risk of injury during a vaginal delivery, and you double your chances of needing a c-section.

Well, this is it. I go in next Wednesday night to prepare for a Thursday induction! We're to arrive at the hospital at 8 pm and a cervical ripening agent will be administered. Then Thursday they will administer the pitocin. So we will be meeting Avery by late next week! I'm pretty disappointed about being induced but of course excited to meet our baby at the same time. Of course there is the possibility that it won't come to that as we still have 5+ days!

We had another non-stress test after the appointment this morning. Avery met the requirements (showed to be active/reactive) of the 30 minute test within the first 10 or so minutes, so we didn't have to stay for the whole time.

Tuesday will most likely be my last day of work. We promise to email/text with any developments. Rob dropped his blackberry in the rain twice this morning, and as of now whatever key is pressed only produces the letter H, so hopefully he gets a new one or gets it fixed.

Looks like a rainy weekend is in store. Anyone have any book or movie recommendations?!


Shannon said...

I know this isn't what you hoped for but maybe she'll come before that! Either way we'll see her soon...yay! Maybe you should rent LOST on DVD and catch up on past seasons : )

lehadams said...

Do you have the Lifetime Movie Network channel? It keeps me occupied when I am not busy! :)